Future of Surfaces

Solid Surface Fabrication

Project brief

In the world of solid surface fabrication, two categories of techniques come to the forefront: the basic and the advanced. Basic fabrication techniques encompass essential processes like cutting, seaming, and sanding, forming the foundation for crafting quality surfaces. On the other hand, advanced fabrication techniques propel the art of creation further. These include the intricate realm of thermoformed 2D and 3D shaping, the artistry of inlays, and the innovation of sublimation.

Techniques Used In Solid Surface Fabrication

Unlocking Artistry in Solid Surface Fabrication

In the world of solid surface fabrication, there exist two distinctive categories of techniques: the fundamental and the cutting-edge. Basic fabrication techniques encompass essential processes such as cutting, seaming, and sanding, forming the very foundation for crafting high-quality surfaces. These fundamental skills are the building blocks of every remarkable creation, ensuring precision and functionality.

Techniques Used In Solid Surface Fabrication


Cutting is the foundational technique in solid surface fabrication, where precision is paramount.


Seaming is the art of creating nearly invisible joints in solid surface fabrication.


Sanding is the technique that transforms the rough into the smooth, the ordinary into the extraordinary.


They are the technique of incorporating intricate patterns, materials, or designs into the surface, turning it into a canvas for artistic expression.

Transform spaces without limitations. We would love to find out more about your project and support with any technical advice you may need. Complete the form for a callback to discuss your design challenges.



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